Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thankful for family- part 1: the in-towners

Just a quick note: I know it tugs on your heart strings to read my blog, it YANKS at mine! Gosh, I tear up as I write each one!! 

Warriors.  My family is made up of warriors.  Those who pray with all their might. Those who put on armor right there with me. 
I won't ever say that I have been through a lot....because WE have been through a lot.

When a family faces trials as intense as what we have faced, they have to come together and help each other through. That is exactly what my family did for me.  My parents took my family in, as it would be nearly impossible for Robbie to take care of me, a newborn, and a two year old all by himself. We have stayed with them through the duration and are searching for our new home to start fresh in.  They have helped us each day and encouraged my healing.  Mom, Dad, and Robbie would take shifts sitting with me during my inpatient chemo. They would play card games with me for hours, or watch me sleep in my hospital bed.  They would read me my daily dose of "Jesus Calling".  They would put a glove on just to hold my hand when I wasn't really allowed to touch anyone.  They would push my wheelchair or help me walk. My mom and Robbie cut off my hair....all things one should never have to do for their child or wife.  And yet they did it without hesitation.


My brother in law, Roger, dropped everything to help us.  He moved into our house and kept our house together while it was listed. As if that wasn't enough, he came over every day to help us with our kids. And as if THAT wasn't enough,  he fed Owen over night so we could sleep.  Then He would sneak upstairs in tuck Owen into bed before heading back to our house. Roger is an absolute gift, a blessing in every way. I love you so much Rog!

                                       Sweet Uncle Roger

My sister..oh my sister...who couldn't go a single day without seeing me regardless of school, student teaching, and wedding planning. She helped me so much just be being present. Even if she could only stop by the hospital for 10 minutes, she would. I know that I am the one who had cancer....but I almost prefer it that way, because I would not be able to handle it the other way around.  But baby Rachel did with such grace. When I was diagnosed and was waiting to have scans taken to see where else the cancer lurked, in comes my sister.  And we made a scene crying in the middle of the lobby...I mean a snotty red faced scene. We cry ugly. Thank you for calling many of my friends for me, I know that was hard. Thank you for everything you are to me. I love you Rachel... I adore you!

Oh Aaron, what did you sign up for? What a calm and encouraging presence you are when I need you. And you always make me laugh.  I can feel your prayers all the time. I love our talks. I love watching you be an uncle. Thank you so much for all you have done for me through this journey, and for all the support you have given my sister. I am so proud of you. You are my brother, I love you so much! 

Uncle Aaron

 No No. This is our nephew. That's all. :)

Adam and Erica- thank you for all of your love and support during my fight. And thank you so much for lifting Avery's spirits with sweet Julianna! Love you so! 

Adam, Julianna, Erica, Aaron, Rachel, me, Avery, Robbie & Owen

My family is amazing. Thank you Father for the gift of family. We aren't perfect, but we love each other perfectly.

Be Thankful!

Out of are next! :)

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