Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thankful for my doctors

I am so very thankful for my doctors.  Last post I spoke of the Great Physician.  Today I write about those who performed His work.  The folks at Fort Sanders OBGYN are AMAZING.  When you are as sick as I was, you have to have faith in those who are taking care of you.  My life was literally in the hands of their knowledge, judgements, and decisions.  This is extremely scary when your cancer is as rare as mine. 

Dr. Morgan, my oncologist, is an honest, compassionate, straight shooter.  He is exactly the kind of doctor that I needed.  I prayed often for him.  I think that is very important as a patient.  I prayed for his ability to make important decisions regarding my care.  There were several times during my chemo treatments that my regimen had to be adjusted.  Meaning, he had to increase poisonous and potentially life threatening drugs for me in order for my body to respond to treatment.  He also had to adjust a drug known as a 'rescue drug' that I had to take a certain way so prevent one of my chemo drugs from being lethal.  His judgements for me were very calculated and thought out.  When things were up in the air, he went in to work on a Saturday simply to research things for me and called me to calm my fears.  He is amazing, and a truly adore him. I am deeply thankful that God empowered him to heal me, and honored to be his patient.

Dr. Morgan was not alone, it seems he had a team of doctors researching and rooting for me.  Dr. Moffat, who delivered my babies, my friend, who cared for me and went above and beyond when I first hemorrhaged, is the same doctor who cried with me when I was told the news of my cancer, walked with me to get scans to see where else cancer lurked in my body, and sat on my bed at home and made me laugh as I recovered from a treatment.  She is amazing in every way- a beautiful example of Christian womanhood.  To her, I am eternally grateful.

And Dr. Shine, who performed the surgery that found my cancer, was a calm presence when I heard of my diagnosis, and continued to offer prayers and encouragement through tough times.  Not to mention Dr. Kincaid and Dr. Broady, who I know were very involved in following my diagnosis and treatment.  These are my heroes.  I thank the Good Lord for these wonderful people.

Be thankful!

 April- one month after diagnosis

                                In hospital: 2 weeks after diagnosis

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