Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thankful for faith

Hello friends! My apologies for not writing for awhile but as you can guess I have been.... Busy.
so much as happened to me and my family over the past six months. All of you know my story and most of you were with me through my struggles. Now six months, four hemorrhages, three surgeries, 18 weeks of chemo, multiple hospitalizations, and too many non-snuggle days later.... I am one happy, bald, and cancer free lady!!!!!

I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude to everyone who has touched me and my family during this time. I also have a sense that no words could fully express my thankfulness. Still I am going to give it my best try. The posts for the rest of the year will be in regards to my thankfulness and gratitude to individuals and groups who made such a difference in my life. You are welcome to follow the blog or I will be happy to put links on my Facebook wall to the blog each time I post. Here goes:

Today I am thankful for my faith, and for my heavenly Father's presence in every happiness and in every struggle. There are two ways people usually handle cancer. One is to become very angry and resentful, and the other is to be thankful to the One who carries us through our struggles. I choose to be thankful. God did not give me cancer and it probably broke His heart to see me go through this. Cancer is an evil of this world. God does not promise that this life will be easy but He does promise to be with us every single step of the way and that is certainly true for me. Cancer has afforded me the opportunity to reach out to others struggling with illness, battling alongside a loved one struggling, or challenged by their faith life. I have reached many people that I have never even met. I am thankful that God allowed me to bring comfort and peace to people in so many ways.

I am thankful that in the dark nights spent in the hospital when I could barely walk or open my eyes, I could still feel God all around me and I could feel prayers whispered by so many on my behalf. I am thankful that He carried my family through these dark times, and protected my children and husband. When I would get home and lay on the floor so I could talk to Avery, she would tell me how beautiful angels are with their great big wings and pretty hair.  She told me her uncle lived in heaven-an uncle who even I have ever met. Faith like a child.  God comforted my two-year-old even in my absence. 

What a gift! Today and every day I am thankful for my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

More messages of thankfulness to come!

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