Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Early Bird!!

Well well well... of course all of you know that Owen William Liles is here! I apologize for not writing anything on here yet or sharing pictures on the blog, but as many of you know, time is limiting for sitting down at the computer when you have a newborn. Now add a 2 year old and you become lucky to get to bath! Kidding. Anyway, now to the story of Owen's arrival.

I was not showing any signs on preterm labor. Things were running very smoothly. I was feeling really good and things were humming along. That is, until Thursday night, on January 27th. I woke up with a terrible stomach bug....gastroenteritis to be exact. Now let's fast forward and skip most of the details on that night. I will say this... I have never been that sick in my entire life. So sick, in fact, that Friday morning I was admitted to Fort Sanders to receive fluids for dehydration. Unfortunately, this illness put me into preterm labor.

I went to a routine appointment the following Monday and was dilated to 4 and contracting about 4 times per hour. I was put on bedrest. Thankfully, I have an amazing family supporting me. My sister-in-law Erica came Monday afternoon, and my brother-in-law Roger spent the next two days and nights at our house helping take care of Avery. Monday night was hysterical at the Liles house. Due to the fact that I was on bedrest, my family had to jump in and finish setting up the nursery for Owen, in case he decided to come early. As I sat in a chair, I witnessed my family running around my house like a bunch of crazed maniacs setting up my house for a new baby. Welcome to the family Aaron turning back now!! :)
Then Tuesday night rolled around, and I knew that I was in early labor. I was uncomfortable and hungry and made my demands to Robbie...which was actually just that he take me to Cracker Barrel for dinner. What can I say, don't mess with a pregnant lady, right? Anyway, that night at 3:35 AM, I heard a comforting and familiar voice say "he is coming today." I shot up in bed. I strongly feel that God was preparing me. It was amazing to hear something so clearly.

Still I was afraid, early babies after struggle, and I had seen too much in my time working in the nursery. My contractions were every 5 minutes and strong by the time I got to my Doctor's office at 11 AM. We discovered that I was dilated to 6 and that my water was about to break. I fought back fearful tears and walked over to the hospital and prepared to have a baby. My nurse and dear friend, Amber, calmed me, made me laugh, and guided me through the birth of both of my children. This, I consider a precious gift that God allowed me to experience with someone that I trust so much. What I true blessing to Robbie and I. Robbie, my mom, Rachel, and Aaron sat with me and made bets on Owen's arrival. But of course, Momma knows best, and my guesses were the closest! Robbie, mom, and Rachel stayed for the delivery. It was amazing. After very little pushing, Owen William Liles came into the world on 2-1-12 at 5:25 pm. He was pink, crying, healthy, and amazing. The relief I felt to see that he was okay was overwhelming. Tears of absolute joy streamed down my face. And guess what, my children weighed the EXACT same! 6 pounds, 7 ounces. I was not sure how I could love another person as much as I love Robbie, and then Avery came along. Then I wasn't sure how I would love another person as much as I love Avery, and then there was Owen. The second he was born, my heart grew. God is so awesome. His timing is perfect, Owen had his cord tightly around his neck...two times. He needed to come out. He is perfect in every way, but I will let you be the below!

Seeing Avery meet her brother for the first time was a moment I will never forget. She walked into my room, and I no longer saw my baby girl, but rather a big girl, and I fought back tears realizing how big she was. Funny how that happens. Avery had a birthday party for her brother in my hospital room where she picked everything out for him...balloons, her outfit, cupcakes, napkins, present. It was very special. The transition of having a baby at home was very hard for her the first week, but she has since adapted and loves him so much. She no longer tells me to put him back in my tummy. Rather, I hear phrases like "my baby brudder, sweet baby, little fella, little man, and awe he's so cute" all day long. My children are the most amazing things in the world to me. Robbie and I both feel that it reveals a piece of how much God loves us through the way we feel about our children.  Thank you family and friends, for all of your support and love. God is good.


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