Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baby Owen Needs a Shirt.

As little Owen's arrival is getting closer and closer, I am reminded of the sweetness that will be in the relationship between my two children. Avery cannot wait for her little brother. We talk about him every day. These discussions are usually initiated by Avery as she has many questions about him. She, as any princess would, has concern's about her brother's wardrobe. She has said many times that "baby Owen will need a shirt." Today, she reminded me that he will need socks, footie jammies, and a diaper too.

Big changes are occuring at the Liles house. Robbie and Grandaddy have nearly finished laying hardwood in our downstairs. Now onto a brighter, pinker task....a 'Big Girl' room for Avery. Yet another thing that she is so excited about. She cannot wait for her pink room, with a big girl bed and princess tent. Today while sitting in her carseat on the way home she said "baby Owen sleeps in Mommy's tummy right now, but maybe later he will sleep in my big girl bed with me." She is the sweetest little girl in the world. I let her know that baby Owen would sleep in a crib once he was out of Mommy's tummy. Avery hung her head and told me that made her sad, because he should sleep with her. After about 30 seconds, the sadness disappeared when she said "okay well then I will teach him how to eat goldfish for a snack".

On Saturday I will be 35 weeks pregnant. Robbie and I are both incredibly excited. Not really even nervous, just excited! Our final ultrasound on January 9th revealed that Owen's kidneys and bladder are normal, thank you Lord! He also has a head full of hair. His sweet little face remains a mystery however, as he would not cooperate and show us. That's okay, all the more excitement to see him soon! We sure do love our Little Liles, both of them!

Love to all!

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